UPSC CMS Selection Procedure Details

UPSC CMS Selection Process Details: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Combined Medical Services Examination yearly once. When the UPSC CMS recruitment advertised the eligible candidates can apply through online mode. Selection Process details are given below

UPSC Recruitment

Selection Process Details: UPSC CMS Examination consists of Computer based Examination and Interview/ Personality Test.

1) Computer based Examination: Computer based Examination consist Two papers, each paper maximum of 250 marks, time duration will be Two hours.

2) Personality Test/ Interview: Candidates who qualify in the written examination will be called for interview/ personality test to be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. The interview/ personality test will carry 100 marks. Personality test is conducting for testing the general knowledge and ability of the candidates in the fields of their academic study and also nature of a personality test to assess the candidate’s intellectual curiosity, critical powers of assimilation , balance of judgement and alertness of mind, ability for social cohesion, initiative capability for leadership.

On the basis of Personality Test, selected candidates must be Physically and Medically Fit. Generally the UPSC CMS Exam takes one year to complete the whole recruitment process.



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