MCD Teacher Primary Contractual List – SDMC

Download SDMC Teacher Result 2018 @ which are announced by the officials of South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) for the candidates who was applied for these 166 vacancies of Teacher (Nursery) Posts. So, interview attended aspirants must check the SDMC Result and download the SDMC Teacher Merit List Pdf along with Cut Off Marks.

Don’t worry aspirants who searching all sites to get the links to download the SDMC Result. We are here with you to provide direct official page links to get the SDMC Teacher Cut-Off Marks. Because our team has given the links to download the SDMC Result in an easy manner to make aspirants work easier. So, aspirants without wasting their time collect the SDMC merit List Pdf from this page.

MCD Teacher Primary Contractual List - SDMC

Check Website Here or

SDMC Results Information !
Latest Update(31.08.2018): SDMC Teacher Result is going to announce on 01st or 02nd September 2018 by the officials and candidates can stay tuned to know the Result.

SDMC Teacher Result 2018

The officials of South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has announced the SDMC Nursery Teacher Result 2018 on the authoritative page. So, the aspirants who have applied for 166 vacancies of Teacher (Nursery) Posts that candidates download the SDMC Teacher Result from the authoritative page. Here on this page, we have given the links to get the SDMC Teacher Sectional Cut-Off Marks along with the SDMC Short List Pdf. This SDMC Teacher Merit List Pdf will Be issued on the basis of applications which are sent by the aspirants.

SDMC Nursery Teacher Cut Off Marks

Aspirants check the SDMC Nursery Teacher Cut Off Marks by using these given below table links. Here on this table aspirants get the information of SDMC Teacher Result announcement dates. Here aspirants who sent their details for this recruitment that candidates all do not get their name in SDMC Qualified List. Because the officials said that they can get the number of applications for these 166 vacancies. So, counselors of SDMC filtered all applications forms and entered the candidate’s names in SDMC merit List Pdf who are eligible for the Interview. Here on this table aspirants.

SDMC Teacher Result 2018 – Details

Name of the Organisation South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC)
Name of the Posts Teacher (Nursery) Posts
 Number of Vacancies 166 Vacancies
Category Admit Card
Result Date 27th to 29th August 2018
Mode of Application Online
Selection Process Interview And Documentation Verification
Job Location Delhi
Official Site

Check SDMC Teacher Merit List Pdf

Aspirants must check the SDMC Teacher Merit List Pdf after downloading from the official page by using the registration number, date of birth, password. Here aspirants can check their SDMC Teacher Result on SDMC Qualified list by using the Registration number or name of the candidate. If the candidates are got their names in SDMC Nursery Teacher Merit List Pdf that candidates are eligible for further rounds which are conducted by the officials on given below dates. So, aspirants very careful while checking their SDMC Result.

SDMC Contractual Primary Teacher Merit List 2018 Details-

Organization Name South Delhi Municipal Corporation
Info About SDMC Primary Teacher Merit List 2018
The advertised job (Nursery) Teacher

Important dates:

1.      Closing Date for SDMC Nursery Teacher Recruitment-14th August 2018.

2.      Tentative list for sort listed candidates-27th August 2018.

3.      The tentative date for scheduled for verification of documents-07th September to 11th September 2018

4.      The tentative date for notification of selected candidates-14th September to 24th September 2018

5.      Issuance of Engagement Letter by Zonal DDEs/ ADEs-25th September 2018 to 26th September 2018

Selection process The Shortlisted Candidates List will be prepared on the basis of the performance in their academic records.
SDMC Vacancies Details:

  • (Nursery) Teacher Vacancy: 166
Salary Details-

  • The selected candidate will get the impressive and suitable amount of salary of Rs. Thirty-five thousand and four hundred (Rs.35, 400/-) as well as many admissible allowances and benefits.

How to Check to SDMC Contract Teacher Merit List 2018:

  • The first task is to visit the official website

·         Now, carefully view the entire home page and Select the link SDMC Primary Teacher Selected Candidates List 2018.

·         There will be displayed a new page on the applied candidate’s computer screen and here they may check their name in the shortlisted candidate’s list.

Download SDMC Teacher Result 2018 Online

Aspirants by using these given below table links must download the SDMC Nursery Teacher Result in an easy manner. If the candidates wanted to see their names in the SDMC Shortlist Pdf that candidates can carefully fill out the application and send to the officials. That candidates are getting their names in the SDMC Result Pdf. Here on this page, our team has given the all SDMC interview Dates which are required to the aspirants who got their names on SDDMC Merit List Pdf. Aspirants shortlisted candidates get ready to face the further selection rounds with all documents.

Important Dates & Links

Shortlisted Candidates Tentative List 27th to 29th August 2018.
Verification of Documents Tentative Dates 7th to 11th September 2018.
Tentative Date for Selected Aspirants Notification 14th to 24th September 2018.
Issuance of Engagement Letter 25th to 26th September 2018.
Dates for Joining in the Schools 27th to 30th September 2018
SDMC Teacher Result 2018 Check Here


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