Now good news is that if you are a website owner you can get a cheap android app for your website without coding knowledge, with app you can reach more peoples around the world it have lots of features and work in any android device.

Features & Requirements :
- Admob Integration
- Onesignal Mobile Notification Integration
- Google Firebase
- WordPress or Any other website android app
- Your APK file + Keystore file
- Playstore submit help (We need your playstore account to submit)
And unbeatable features with update.

What we need from you if you want us to submit app?
- Your Website address.
- Playstore Icon 512×512 px
- Featured Promo Image from your app 1024 w x 500 h
- Description for app
- Admob if require
- Let us know we are ready to help

If you have any question please go to Here and ask anything you want.